Fondly known as the Dev Bhoomi, it boasts of religious centers like Badrinath, Kedarnath, Haridwar, Rishikesh among others. Rishikesh is also famous for the various ashrams like the Swarg Ashram and many such in and around Kanakhal area. Many ashrams offer courses in Meditation, Kundalini Awakening and other spiritualistic rituals. While the hill stations like Nainital attract tourists in droves, the nearby locations like Almora, Kausani and Ranikhet are also getting many footfalls and recognized as peaceful but extremely scenic towns.
Auli, now recognized for its world-famous skiing facilities and the ropeway, the stations en route like Joshimath, Chopta are also benefiting immensely. Wildlife sanctuaries like the Binsar, which are also famous for bird watching, are also catching up fast amongst the wanderers. All in all, Uttarakhand is an interesting state offering plethora of options for everyone. No doubt, maximum numbers of tour operators belong to this princely state.
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